
2, Jun 2024
There are also two outstanding magic generals in the underworld-Death and Ice Magic. They were seriously injured because of the turbulence attack in the process of returning from the human world to the underworld. This operation will not participate in the main decision, but only be responsible for logistics.

However, familiar lovers all know that although the ice devil and the god of death were really injured, the injuries were definitely not that serious. Obviously, they were excluded for other reasons. Of course, these people learned from it.
"Engineers are you ready? Look at the tunnel horse is going to play "migrant workers look like population.
"Don’t worry, the count won’t have a problem," replied the Western guy.
I didn’t expect well-dressed guys to be engineers, but migrant workers dressed as earl. There are quite a few abnormal people in the underworld.
"Is the Earl Magic Handsome ready to meet us?"
"Hey, you’re a layman’s question. Don’t make this operation unexpected. Special laws have blocked the export. Only when we can solve the problem of exposing the magic handsome will we not meet us with great fanfare."
"Hum!" Engineers don’t look like a pair of "what masters can there be in the human world except what Duanmu Ming and his woman are vulnerable? Now I heard that the king needs a year to recuperate when he doesn’t make moves. Who else can stop our army of Ma? We should pay more attention to those bastards in the divine world and don’t let them reach out to our site. "
"You’re right, but you should be careful," said the count, looking up. "General Magic Pony, please get ready. Our horse is about to start."
Silent General Silver Armor replied in his metallic voice, "The Magic Riders are ready to move at any time."
"good!" The count praised that the huge black vortex in the sky has stopped expanding. The rough calculation shows that this huge vortex has a radius of 1,000 meters, and even if tens of thousands of people pass through it at the same time, it will not feel crowded. The tunnel has just formed, and many underworld insects, low-level magic people and Warcraft have already embraced the entrance.
Even a little smell of people is a great temptation to them.
"These little things are in such a hurry to let them suffer." The count sneered at the movement of the sky with a straight face. Although the tunnel has stabilized, it is relatively not equal to absolute security. Third-order Warcraft is likely to lose its life through the tunnel, especially now that the channel has just stabilized and the scattered energy flow has not disappeared. Of course, these small and weak creatures in the underworld can’t bear to be torn apart by energy turbulence, and it is difficult for them to get into the human world successfully.
The only thing about them is that they act as "vacuum cleaners"
"Let’s go." The count and the engineer looked at it for a while and finally decided to set off. Both of them flew to the tunnel entrance. General Yinjia held up his combat knives behind them and shouted, "Let’s go!" Three thousand magic riders acted in unison and rose up behind General Yinjia and headed for the tunnel.
3,000 magic riders, each knight and his mount have reached the fourth-order level of Warcraft, and of course it is easy to fly. General Yinjia has reached the sixth-order level of Warcraft.
Before 3,300 people arrived at the tunnel, the count suddenly stopped and turned around and asked, "The soldiers may be rich or dead. You can make another choice."
General Yinjia said coldly, "We choose to have one."
Three thousand magic riding at the same time qi shouted "forward! Go forward again! "
At the same time, 3,300 people were wrapped by a black force and slowly entered the tunnel. Although the tunnel force was not small, it was necessary to touch the black force and be immediately resolved. Everyone smoothly entered the tunnel and slowly disappeared from the underworld …
After everyone disappeared, two figures slowly emerged from the cliff just now.
"Sister, can they reach the human world smoothly this time?"
"Hum, even in the human world, there is absolutely no benefit for them to suffer!"
"I’m afraid it’s not just suffering …"
"Sister tunnel has been hit" Yan Fei suddenly got up "Let’s act"
"Good" NingFei nodded, but her face was reluctant. "But there are four places in total, but we can find that two others are probably located, and it is obvious that the other party has carefully arranged them."
"Ta-da-da …" Ningfei forefinger ebony desktop knocked a few times "there should be protoss and inferno with such calculation …"
Yunfei suggested, "Sister, let’s start quickly. If we are late, I’m afraid the cities and countries closest to these four locations will be in trouble."
Ning Fei nodded. "Well, since the law has determined that the two locations have been determined, I will give them to you. Four sisters and I will go to the other two locations and remember not to get entangled with them and get hurt!"
Yan Fei immediately nodded and pulled Yunfei out. "Elder sister, don’t worry, we know."
Seeing that the two sisters disappeared, Xuan Fei suddenly said, "Sister, did you deliberately let them go to those two places?"
Ning Fei smiled at the actually cleverest sister and nodded slightly. "Although they are no longer ghosts and gods, they have the same blood after all. I’m afraid they will feel embarrassed."
"So they will still feel embarrassed." Xuan Fei shook her head and slowly got up and drifted to Ningfei’s eyes. The snow porcelain tea cover in her hand slowly touched the fragrant teas in the cup …
A huge cave one kilometer away.
Non-stop running black whirlpool waves violently for a while, and then slowly calms down. Outside the whirlpool, 3,300 people are neatly as high as 20 meters in the cave.
No one left the team and everyone arrived smoothly. Although they experienced severe energy fluctuations, everyone turned pale, but the members of the Magic Riding Group were very disciplined. Everyone stood erect and showed nothing. Although the whole cave was very large, it was crowded when thousands of people poured into it. Fortunately, there were no enemies or ambushes, otherwise it would be great.
"good!" The count, who looks a little ugly, can’t help but admire, "It’s worthy of the name of the pioneer magic riding group of our proud army in the underworld!"
The engineer looked around the environment and closed his eyes for a while before saying, "It should be one kilometer here and there are three seals at the mouth of the cave. I’m absolutely not worried that someone will find you resting in place. I’ll go to the front to find out."
Three thousand magic cavalry regiment did not respond, but still stood proudly. General Yinjia raised his arm and sank, "Rest the horse in situ." Three thousand magic cavalry regiment rolled over together, and the horse had a landing sound as if it were a person.
The count looked at the engineer who was leaving and asked, "Can I help you?"
The engineer smiled faintly. "Have you forgotten my name?"
The count suddenly smiled. "So that’s it. I forgot." A different light flashed in his eyes.