
28, Jun 2024
It is Sunday; I didn’t even think about my own juexue training method in advance. Since it is like that, I can’t practice without results. Just think that your skills are not enough; But it never occurred to me that I didn’t practice the right way.

Until the behavior before Sunday provoked the sergeant; Then he was called by a group of companions to surround Sunday and beat it up; On Sunday, this is to understand why the elders of their own are practicing their own Juexue; It will always be difficult to learn.
Hard qigong generally does not need to practice any internal qi; Just use secret drugs to stimulate and adapt to external attacks. It is precisely because there is nothing written on the recipe of drugs in their own cheats that all the people who practice in Zhou’s family have never thought about it.
In fact; Zhou Jia’s "Thirteen Taibao Crossing Hard Qigong" is not only a very difficult martial art; On the contrary, it is the easiest to practice; At the same time, there is no negative hard qigong.
Other hard qigong can only be strengthened bit by bit by drug stimulation, in terms of progress; I haven’t worked for ten years; But it is simply can’t practice any results. Moreover; After practicing hard qigong in this way, because of the excessive stimulation of oneself by drugs; Generally, it will leave very serious sequelae.
However, Zhou Jia’s "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Hard Qigong" is different; It takes a different approach and creates an exercise method of strengthening internal qi. Just need to have enough internal gas; Then when the outside attack hurts the practitioner; The internal qi trained in "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Hard Qigong" will rush to the wound to repair the injury, and continue to strengthen it while recovering, but there is no sequela at all.
Meanwhile; The Zhou family’s "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Hard Qigong" has a special method of internal qi exercise, because its training methods are different, as long as it is willing to spend money to buy drugs to increase its skill; However, it can directly save practitioners hundreds of times the practice time of other hard qigong, and it can be said that it is a rich achievement.
Before Sunday, I used ginseng to practice; It is very easy to practice the internal qi that ordinary people need to practice for nearly a year. But for reasons that are not lawful; However, it only increased the internal qi, but there was no achievement in the achievement method of "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Crossing Hard Qigong".
Now being beaten down by those soldiers, the internal gas in the body on Sunday has taken the initiative to go down; Although the internal gas volume is getting less and less, it is obvious on Sunday that it is consumed with the internal gas; It’s getting stronger slowly.
Of course; These changes are only known on Sunday, but those soldiers don’t know; With their fat beating on Sunday; The beggar who doesn’t look brilliant to them is getting stronger slowly, if the sergeant knows; Their behavior of playing Sunday helped Sunday find the right training direction; At the same time, it also enhances the strength of Sunday, and I am afraid that they will be vomiting blood immediately by this result!
Until I have been playing Sunday for nearly ten minutes; Those sergeants almost cleaned up their physical strength, so they chose to leave.
By rights; If someone is really beaten around by so many soldiers for so long, the average beggar will not lose his life, and I believe it is already seriously injured.
But Sunday is different; Those soldiers just turned around, but on Sunday, as if nothing had happened, they stood up, except for the footprints on their bodies. It can be said that on Sunday, from the appearance point of view, it is not at all hurt by the attack of those soldiers just now.
All the people who saw all this could not help but open their mouths; Silly looking at Sunday, one by one can’t believe what happened in front of me.
More than those passers-by; Even those soldiers who were ready to leave before discovered the abnormality because of the performance of others at that time. Later, they found that the beggars who had been playing for a long time stood behind them unharmed, and they couldn’t help but feel a little scared.
And when I saw those soldiers looking back; On Sunday, he immediately responded, looked contemptuously at the sergeant and turned around on Sunday; Is word is also at that time quickly escaped.
Originally, when those soldiers saw that Sunday had been beaten by them for so long without any harm, they really couldn’t help thinking of Sunday as a master who hid their strength, and they were afraid of what a line of people had just done. I believe that as long as Sunday’s attitude towards them is tough; Those soldiers are afraid they will kneel before Sunday for mercy. After all, those soldiers don’t want to bury their lives in Sunday’s hands after seeing the style of killing people easily in Wulin.
Even in the case that those sergeants are ready to mainly; Since Sunday unexpectedly chose to escape at that time, such a reaction; Naturally, it also attracted those sergeants to make other reactions.
The performance before Sunday is really like some masters with special hobbies. Those soldiers naturally know how hard they laid hands on them when they hit Sunday, and they can be unscathed under that kind of attack, if not dazzled by themselves; It must be Sunday’s superior strength, and it won’t be hurt by their attacks at all.
This hobby of being beaten; I believe that there will be too many people who have it, if it is not because there is nothing after being beaten by them for so long on Sunday; I’m sure those sergeants wouldn’t think that either.
However, the idea of all this was immediately erased from their respective minds by those soldiers as they fled on Sunday.
If a master with the hobby of being beaten is unlikely to appear in Blackstone City; Then, like this Sunday, after being beaten once by them, people who will’ scare’ to escape when they turn around will look at it anyway; Doesn’t even look like a big shot.
So; Finally, when I saw that Sunday was scared away by them; Those sergeants only thought that Sunday had nothing to do with their attack because they had just done a good job in protection, so they were not injured. Now see Sunday since fled outward; Under conditioned reflex; They directly will catch up in the direction of Sunday escape …

Chapter 9 Hit me!
The sergeants finally lost track of them, not how fast they ran on Sunday, although "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Crossing Hard Qigong" was magical; But it is still just a more magical external work; It is not a panacea. Even the sergeant’s attack on Sunday; Ninety-nine percent of the strength has been dissolved by the internal qi generated by "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Crossing Hard Qigong", which can be regarded as the little strength left over; Finally, together, it still made Sunday suffer a lot of internal injuries.
If it was before; On Sunday, you can also suppress the injury with your own internal qi, and then slowly heal when you get to a safe place. But now that Sunday’s practice has been abolished, it is considered that the internal gas cultivated in "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Practice Hard Qigong" has just been consumed by Sunday, under such a situation; Sunday’s internal injuries actually affected Sunday’s actions.
But fortunately, those soldiers consumed a lot of energy when they beat Sunday before, and now they haven’t recovered at all; To also don’t have too much energy to chase Sunday. It is also for such a reason; So on Sunday, under the condition of internal injuries and no internal gas support in the body, he finally escaped from the hands of those soldiers.
Ignore the shouting sergeant behind; On Sunday, after successfully getting away; Immediately find another opportunity to sneak into the Zhou family mansion, and after returning to the remote position where I practiced before, I quickly swallowed a ginseng; I began to recuperate my injuries.
This retreat; It is three or four hours, until Sunday’s exercise is completed; When I opened my eyes again, I unconsciously smiled on my face at that time.
Although I had already been psychologically prepared, after discovering the real practice method of my own book "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Crossing Hard Qigong", I knew on Sunday that the martial arts I practiced should be improved. But; Even if I had this kind of psychological preparation, I still didn’t think of it on Sunday; Just being "assisted" by the group of soldiers once, my own "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Crossing Hard Qigong" has entered the third level.
Nine is extremely numerous; In this world at present, except for some special achievement methods; Almost all the achievement methods are divided into nine levels. Zhou’s Juexue is no exception, and the magic is divided into three parts. The state of each department is all nine floors. If the nine-floor state is divided into the beginning and the end, then on Sunday, it is already a preliminary study of the kung fu of "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Cross-training Hard Qigong".
Three ginseng trees of ordinary years; Coupled with a dozen soldiers’ fat beating, so since it will be "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Cross Practice Hard Qigong" to practice one-third. Although any kung fu is more and more difficult to practice in the future, even so; At present, the progress is still far beyond Sunday’s original forecast: Sunday was shocked.
But for an accident like this; I believe that I won’t mind coming here so many times. After all, Sunday has just lost his martial arts and now has a great hatred to report. At the same time, there is also a case of longevity, as long as it can enhance its own strength; On Sunday, you should be eager to come more often!
Once, I practiced "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Crossing Hard Qigong" to the third floor. This progress made Sunday see hope. Since I was beaten by those soldiers once, I can make such progress, so if I was beaten by them several times more; It shouldn’t take too long to practice Hard Qigong in Thirteen Pacific Insurance.
After such an idea flashed through my heart; Zhou Tianxin suddenly got excited, as long as he practiced "Thirteen Pacific Insurance Crossing Hard Qigong"; Then when the time comes, I will further practice the Iron Shirt. On Sunday, I will have a certain self-protection ability again, if I try harder then; It is not impossible to push one’s own strength to a new high.
If you have expectations, you will have motivation, and you will find that you can practice Hard Qigong in a short period of time. On Sunday, he immediately began to enhance his internal qi by swallowing ginseng; Preparation laid the foundation for the practice of the afterword.
Wait until Sunday comes out from Zhou’s house again; That was the second day …
After a whole night’s preparation, the internal qi in Sunday’s body has reached a very full level. Say rudely; At present, the internal qi in the body on Sunday is definitely the largest amount that its body can support, if it is not impossible to continue to increase the internal qi in its own body; I’m afraid it’s really not necessarily going out of Zhou Fu at this time of Sunday.