
27, Jun 2024
Wen Lu is so stubborn and fragile that Kang Peng is at a loss. He just looks at this mysterious beauty crying in his arms and doesn’t even have the courage to persuade Wen Lu to cry. Suddenly, he feels feverish and hot. Wen Lu Bai himself caught the road of killing his father and his enemies. He asked the maid to drink water in his own water again. * * Wen Lu suddenly rushed to the bullfight and his eyes were red. He shouted, "Shame old thief, you can’t touch my hair again. Give me the antidote quickly, otherwise I’d rather bite the tongue than suffer from you."

Kang Peng was startled. He really took a negative attitude and ran away from Cai Wenji to collect this mysterious beauty. The maid tricked Wen Lu. * * It can be seen that this mysterious beauty actually wants bite the tongue and Kang Peng to dare not do it again. Let Wen Lu roll and crawl to find an antidote. Because he was too nervous, he was tripped by the threshold. Kang Peng’s funny appearance made the crying Chinese heron laugh. At the same time, Wen Lu raised an idea in his heart. "In fact, he was good to me and obedient to my death." But Wen Lu quickly drove this idea away. He was his own father’s enemy and could not be right.
Although Wen Lu was reluctant, Kang Peng personally fed her the antidote, etc. When the antidote came into effect, Kang Peng was like a good baby. If she really didn’t dare to touch Wen Lu’s hair again, Wen Lu felt cool and knew that the antidote had come into effect. She said coldly, "Let me go if you don’t want me to die."
Kang Peng, like a demon, untied Wen Lu’s hand chain and bent down to take her foot chain. When Kang Peng bent down, Wen Lu almost wanted to smash his crown with a fist, but Wen Lu himself didn’t know why he had let this best revenge opportunity go easily. It was to silently watch Kang Peng sweat and get rid of his body.
When Kang Peng untied Wen Lu’s chain department, he stood by and watched Wen Lu’s activities numb his hands and feet. When he saw Wen Lu get up and go out, Kang Pengcai woke up from a rude awakening and shouted, "Where are you going?" It’s my soldier outside. You can’t get out. "
Wen Lu also won’t coldly say, "Of course I’m going. Even if I can’t walk away, it’s better to die in your hands than to see you ashamed here."
"Wait," Kang Peng asked Wen Lu to quickly get a pen and paper to write a line, "Those who hold this order can’t stop those who violate it from dying everywhere!" Finally, Dong Boss signed it and gave it to Wen Lu Wen Lu. He glanced at it and hated it and got up and left.
"Girl, you wait" Kang Peng suddenly cried again.
Wen Lu stopped cold way "go back on our word? Hurry up if you want to kill me. "
"No, you misunderstood." Kang Peng was sweating and shaking a handful of jewelry from her pocket-this was brought by Kang Peng to please Wen Lu. "You don’t have a penny, so you can take it with you." Say that finish, Kang Peng just stuffed it into Wen Lu’s hand regardless of whether Wen Lu agrees or not.
Wen Lu was a little touched in his heart, but the thought of killing his father coldly said, "Is there anything else?"
"No, no," said Kang Peng, bowing, but when Wen Lu lifted his legs again, Kang Peng cried again, "Girl …"
Wen Lu great anger, pointing to Kang Peng nose big scold a way "old thief are you tired? If you have something to say, kill the girl if you want, and never frown. "
Kang Peng stepped back and whispered, "You’re walking alone. I want you to take care. You can come to me at any time if you have any difficulties."
Kang Peng’s gentle and considerate words almost brought tears to Wen Lu’s eyes. After Wen Pin died at Dong Zhuojun’s hands and Wen Pin’s wife was forced to death by Chua’s brothers, no one ever said such words to Wen Lu. At that moment, Egret really wanted to enlarge her tears, but Wen Lu fought back her tears and left without saying a word, leaving Kang Peng to stay in the house.
"Maybe I really love her," Kang Peng said to himself.
Chapter 33 Two heads are better than one.
"Master Jiange finished blare … most of the brothers died in our army."
The main force of Yizhou Army was annihilated in Jiange Army, and less than 100 Yizhou Army escaped from life and death, bringing the news of the fiasco to Chengdu. At this moment, the defeated army of Yizhou knelt in front of Liu Yan and cried and retelled the scene of the day, while Yizhou Wenwu was pale and Liu Yan Liu Zhang was pale.
"My son, you little master?" After all, the father is deeply affectionate. Liu Zhang’s heart is not the life and death of hundreds of Yizhou soldiers in Jiange, but the first thing to ask about the safety of parents.
"Little Lord, little Lord …" The defeated army in Yizhou cried, "Little Lord, he was also killed. I heard that he was killed by Dong thief Yi Lu Bu himself." Liu Zhang had fainted on his back after saying his word. "Grandfather, find a doctor quickly." All the civil and military officials in Yizhou hurriedly rescued Liu Zhangke, but Liu Zhang didn’t wake up. Liu Yan suddenly opened his mouth and spit out one mouthful blood. He was also fainted on his back. This hall can be lively. Two generations of leaders in Yizhou have been in a coma. There are a bunch of civil and military officials who are screaming and screaming in
It’s hard to find a card shark. The card shark unanimously concluded that Liu Yan, Liu Zhang, was in a hurry and angry, and his pulse was blocked. He needed to be angry. Otherwise, Liu Zhang might be better, but it’s already over 70. It’s hard to say the result came out. Yizhou Zhongwenwu was dumbfounded. The enemy was almost in need of someone to command the city, but two generations of state shepherds were unconscious. If the enemy called, what would it be like?
Although worried Dong He, Zheng Du and Guan Yizhou veteran still let people carry Liu Yan and Liu Zhang’s father to the patio to rest and wait by his father’s side until late at night, Liu Yan and Liu Zhang were still unconscious, but one by one, they sent the news of Liu Wei and Zhang Songxian’s surrender. Then the sudden appearance of Dong Zhuojun has set off from Fucheng and is approaching Mianzhu. Immediately afterwards, Huo Jun, the commander of Yongan, the southeast town of Yizhou, made an emergency report that Liu Biao in Jingzhou had an abnormal army transfer and suspected that Liu Biao might fish in troubled waters and ask for more troops to Yongan just in case.
After reading the report, people want to cry and say that it is still the same thing whether we can hold Chengdu with this few people left. Then find you reinforcements? Just then, Zheng Du suddenly called out, "Where’s Zhang Taishou, my lords?" They took a closer look and sure enough Zhang Songxiong Guanghan satrap Zhang Su disappeared.
"Zhang Su dog thief!" Dong and Da roared, "His brother was afraid of death and offered to surrender. He also fled when he got cold feet. He must have surrendered to Dong thief!" Dong He took the lead in scolding Yizhou Wenwu, and all the people cursed together to vent their anger on the Zhang brothers.
"Wait a minute, gentlemen." The view persuaded everyone to wave their hands and said, "Zhang Song did betray his master, but Zhang Su, that man, I know he is loyal to his master and not the kind of person who runs away from the cold." Before the voice fell outside, someone shouted, "Oh, no, Zhang Taishou committed suicide by drowning!" Everyone was frightened and hurried out of the house, but it was too late for the servant to get Zhang Su, who had turned into a cold body.
"Brother Bian, I am sorry for you." Dong He threw himself at Zhang Su’s body and cried. "I misunderstood you. You are a true loyal minister." Dong He cried her eyes out. Everyone admired Zhang Su’s loyalty and thought that we were going to face a scene and cried even more sadly.
Zheng Du accompanied the crowd to cry. When they saw that everyone was depressed and knew that they were desperate, they encouraged them to say, "You can’t be sad any more. Your eyes and father-in-law are unconscious and the war is imminent. We can’t be a woman crying any more. We should be loyal to the Lord like Zhang Taishou and never betray him."
"So what should we do?" Dong He said in tears, "The main force of Yizhou Army has been wiped out and is far away. Even if the people are temporarily armed, is it an opponent of Dong Thief’s army?" Everyone is also this question. Almost all of them have no confidence in being able to block Dong Zhuo.
"I have a plan to break Dong thief," Zheng Duchen said. "Let’s see if you dare."
"Sir, do you have a clever plan?" View quickly asked the view that Liu Zhang’s brother-in-law and others might be able to save their lives and prosperity, while his view was completely hopeless
"Dong Thief’s southern grain and grass support is supplied from Chang ‘an, and the road is inconvenient and difficult to transport." Zheng Du Kan Kan said, "And Yizhou Ba County, Guanghan County and Shu County, with a total population of more than 2.5 million, will consume countless grains and grass every day, which Dong Zhuojun absolutely cannot afford."
"Sir, do you mean when you burn all the food and leave the population burden to Dong thief to win for us?" Guan thoughtfully asked Zheng Du to nod his head and asked, "Although this tactic is feasible, it is bitter for the people in Shu and even if we delay these times, it is not enough for Yong ‘an area to organize troops to counterattack."
"Don’t go to Yong ‘an" Zheng Dushen said, "Go to Nanzhong Jiujun Nanman Wang Menghuo with hundreds of barbarians and our residual army counterattack force should be enough. Nanman has coveted Nanzhong for a long time. We have to promise to seal Nanzhong Nanman Menghuo after the war, and there is one thing that Dong thief logistics can’t afford Yizhou’s huge population. Yizhou people will definitely resist, and Dong thief will lose sight of one thing and lose sight of another. The powerful military force will definitely be consumed in suppressing the people’s uprising. We can recover the rivers and mountains with a single blow."
Zheng Du said that all the civil servants in Yizhou bowed their heads and did not say anything to calculate the feasibility of this plan. At this time, Wang Lei asked, "Do you believe that Mr. Jia Long, a barbarian, colluded to seize Yizhou the day before yesterday?"
"Don’t you see that Wang is engaged?" Zheng Du stamped his foot, "The master was tricked by Dong Thief and replaced General Jia Lao, which led to our army’s defeat. Those words are also false."
"Sir, you have a point." In fact, Wang Lei was so suspicious as early as this. He first made it clear to comfort other apprehensive people. Yizhou Wenwu Wang Lei nodded. "Then the villain suggested that someone should be sent to take the flying army away quickly to comfort General Jia, who has a high prestige among the Na people. It is much easier to do things with him, and the old general is brave and resourceful. We have a greater hope of winning the counterattack."
Wang Lei and Zheng Du both turned their attention to Guan Yan, Liu Yan, and Liu Zhang were both unconscious. Only with Liu Yan’s family can he make a decision, but Guan Yu bowed his head and said nothing. It seems that he dare not make good decisions. Zheng Du urged, "Brother Wen Hugh is not hesitant now, and he will not be able to come in the future later. The master blames me and you will bear it together."
View this just a rude awakening shook his head. "I’m not afraid to take responsibility. I’m thinking about what should we do after we evacuate to Nanzhong, Yongan, Huo Jun and others? They can still face the threat of Jingzhou Liu Biao. "
Wang Lei and Zheng Du shook their heads with a clap of their heads and said, "Shame or no way to win the week. How did we forget the thirty thousand soldiers in Yongan?" Yong’ an garrison, like Jia Long’s flying army, is independently compiled and cannot be mobilized as a last resort. Liu Yan did not pull this army to the battlefield before.
Zheng Du asked again, "Since Brother Wen Xiu has considered that there is a good plan? Let them abandon Yong ‘an and go to Nanzhong together? Or let them stand by? "
"It seems that Liu Biao in Jingzhou peeped at Yongan just because he was worried that the natural barrier of the Yangtze River would pose a threat to him after Dong Biao occupied Yizhou." Guan Zhengqi said, "I decided to send an envoy to Liu Biao to negotiate that Jingzhou in Yizhou was so cold that he was willing to send troops to help us resist Dong Biao. We will let Yongan make Liu Biao in Jingzhou not worry about our army’s smooth river, but go straight to Jingzhou’s confidant, so that Liu Biao can promise that Yongan and Yongsan will go hand in hand and not worry about recovering Yizhou."
"Wen Xiu coup" Zheng Du volunteered, "Zheng Du didn’t want Yizhou emissary to say that Liu Biao rescued Yizhou"
Wang Lei disagreed with the idea, but frowned. "In this way, the South, China and Yong ‘an will make others and the people of Yizhou will also fall into the sea of suffering. Even if we win, what will be left?"
Guan sighed, "If we lose Yizhou, we have nothing."
When Liu Yan Liu Zhang was unconscious, Guan Dai Liu Yan issued a series of orders. The first one was to order the most populous places in Yizhou, such as Zhongba County, Guanghan County, Shujun County and Gui, to burn down official warehouses and private warehouses, leaving only ten rations for the people of Yizhou, and the best soldiers from all over the country took refuge in South China. The second is to send Zheng Du’s envoy to Jingzhou to ask Liu Biao for help. The third is to send people everywhere to look for the disappeared trace. Jia Long hopes that he can come out of the mountain for the third time …
Can Guan, Zheng Du and Wang Lei come up with an idea to turn the Yizhou army salted fish over? What are the consequences of Kang Peng’s burden on more than two million people in Yizhou? Please read the chapter
Chapter 34 Burden
After several days’ rest and smuggling to Yizhou rear area, Dong Zhuojun’s Li Jue’s troops finally recovered their physical strength, and it has already reached the first day of the first month of the fourth year of Han Chuping. Although it was the Spring Festival, Li Jue didn’t let the soldiers spend the New Year in Fucheng, but just let the soldiers have a good meal on New Year’s Eve and put out a new slogan-Call Chengdu for the New Year! And Li Jue conveyed to the soldiers Kang Peng’s promise to beat the gold and silver treasures in Chengdu’s official treasury. Except for half of them, the other half was given to the soldiers of Li Jue’s army and all the wives of Liu Yan’s family were also enjoyed by the soldiers of Li Jue’s army!
There is money and beauty to tempt these Dong Zhuojun veterans, and Li Jue’s troops have come to the spirit. No one complains that the officers don’t even give them Chinese New Year breaks, but arrange their armor. Wipe your weapons and get ready to make a fortune in Tianfu National University. On the first day of the first month of the fourth year of Chuping, a group of soldiers of fortune climbed out of the dead pile and advanced to Mianzhu in high spirits. Even the new prisoners who took refuge in Dong Zhuojun and Yizhou Army were welcome to follow their big brother around to harm the people. The people of Yizhou complained bitterly, but if it wasn’t for a big murder case, Li Jue ignored it. Anyway, Kang Peng did not restrain military discipline in wartime and really encountered this group of soldiers of fortune who robbed Yizhou people too far, such as robbing them of benefits. State people grow grain or coffin class people to the barracks, so Li Jue took the advice of the dragon witch-giving the Yizhou people a white note, saying that the robbery was a promise, and Dong Zhuojun’s main force arrived in the future, and he paid twice as much, but also compensated for the thousand kilograms of rice per mu, which calmed the resistance of the Yizhou people, but also made Kang Peng break a small fortune.
On the third day of the first month of the fourth year of the Han Dynasty, Li Jue’s troops arrived at the periphery of Mianzhu. Because there were less than 2,000 defenders in Mianzhu, Li Jue’s army was not too nervous but very relaxed. Li Jue and Gu Longyan’s witch teased and played without any war approaching the tension. Who knows, just after turning a hill, Li Jue’s army found that Mianzhu City in front was full of smoke and fire, and he was surprised and hurriedly sent Hou to inquire.
Chou Hou hurried back and brought a member of the Dark Moon Group with a waist tag. As soon as he saw Li Jue, the member of the Dark Moon Group shouted, "General, go and save Mianzhu Granary! Liu Yan, a dog and thief, is burning the official warehouse and even the civilian warehouse. He doesn’t want to leave us a grain! "
Li Jue was so frightened that he rushed to kill Mianzhu City, but it was already too late. At this moment, Mianzhu City was ablaze with flames and smoke, and the official houses and houses were all cut off. Most of the people in the city were forced to escape from the city to take refuge outside the city, and the people were crying, helping the elderly and bringing up the young, and the scene of displacement was chaotic. The defenders of Yizhou in the city had already fled to Guanghan from the south gate.
"scorched earth tactics!" Li Jue said that this trick was often used by Dong Zhuojun to deal with Qiang people before, but Li Jue, an old man of Xiliang Army, was most familiar with it. However, he prepared to give up regionalized scorched soil and let the enemy take food and supplies on the spot. Now Yizhou Army is even more ruthless and throws the burden of tens of thousands of Mianzhu people to Dong Zhuojun’s occupation army. If Dong Zhuojun does not bear the burden of relieving these people, what about occupation? Talk about winning people’s hearts again?
"General Guanghan is in danger!" Li Jue’s lieutenant Wang Fang suddenly woke up and shouted, "The thief army must be coming to Guanghan, but there are hundreds of thousands of people there!" After Wang Fangxing, Li Jue got a chill. Four years ago, millions of victims poured into Luoyang, and the horror scene reappeared. Li Jue thought that the total population of Yizhou could be far more than one million.
"Leave 500 people to organize the people to put out the fire. Others come with me!" Li Jue latosolic red eyes growled, "I fuck his mother Liu Yan! I want to throw millions of victims to us again, and I must cut you to pieces! " When Li Jue didn’t dare to put it on hold again, he sent someone to inform Kang Peng while leaving a few soldiers to organize fire fighting and some food for Mianzhu people to go straight to Guanghan.
Li Jue’s army was killed in Guangyuan City only for one day, but it couldn’t come at all. Guangyuan City has been in ruins, and there are almost no complete houses in the city. Guangyuan people are crying and rummaging in the dark fire in an attempt to find something to wear and more food. People who have lost their homes are beating their chests and crying in the ice and snow.
It turned out that Dong He, After Zheng Du and Wang Lei finalized the scorched-earth tactics, Ma sent people to inform all localities to burn granaries and civilian warehouses to bring down Dong Zhuojun. However, after Liu Yan woke up, he not only did not send people to stop this vicious means of hurting the enemy and hurting himself, but also issued an order to burn all the city houses without even leaving any food for the people of Yizhou. Anyway, Liu Yan was a helper who left Dong Zhuojun with a broken wall and completely dragged Dong Zhuojun down. The logistics did not give Dong Zhuojun the opportunity to buy people’s hearts. At the moment, Liu Yan still controlled the large and small cities in Yizhou, except South Yongan. It’s full of smoke and fire, and even some villages have not escaped the bad luck of being burned. They are all in ruins. In a few days, the once prosperous and rich land of Tianfu will become a hell full of hungry people.
After seeing this fire, Li Jue’s army didn’t breath in a gasp. Li Jue also dared not go any further. He ordered to stay on the spot and wait for Kang Peng to instruct Li Jue to make it. After that, PianJiang Mona Lee asked Li Jue, "The general is more than one hundred miles away from Chengdu. Why don’t we go?" Chengdu jewelry and beautiful women are still waiting for us. "
Li Jue was very angry when he saw Mona Lee asking such a stupid question, so he gave him a slap in the face with his backhand, which made Mona Lee cover his face inexplicably and become speechless. Li Jue roared, "You still have beauty and jewelry?" Chengdu must be in ruins now, too. There are 350,000 Yizhou people there. They eat food and you buy it with a small salary. Even if you take out ten generations of salary, there is no place to buy food! "