
28, Jul 2024

When Nalanqing people came here, there was no one hanging around here, leaving a letter in the room, which finally reached Nalanqing’s hand …
Quietly looking at the attribute, he revealed a little fun smile …
Someone is inviting her to play chess.
It’s like a one-on-one game …
Who is it?
I don’t know what he hates most is chess? And what I hate most is playing chess by myself, which will make her want to blow up the whole chessboard …
"Three quarter south of huang temple at noon … ha ha ha ha … you thyme cher to threaten me? Interesting! "
Long Che hasn’t heard from Thyme Cher for a long time. He is in a hurry. He has a bad temper and can’t help but take it out on people around him. Even Nalan Mo has been implicated. He endured the low pressure of Long Che, and everyone in the whole Che Wangfu is trembling.
"Report, report …" Na Lanmo rushed in anxiously from the outside. He was holding a letter in his hand. When Long Che was going to be angry, he immediately put the letter in front of Long Che’s eyes. His eyes were very worried. "Report is not good. Snow sister is in danger …"
"What?" Long che immediately got up and his eyes were angry.
Chapter 97 If the sovereign dies, NaLanQing must be buried with him (4)
A update the latest chapter after the tyrant returns to bully the pet owl as soon as possible!
Chapter 97 If the sovereign dies, NaLanQing must be buried with him (4)
"I don’t know if this letter is true or not because of the presence of male and female servants in the room, but Sister Xue has disappeared … male and female servants only presented the news just in case … Is Sister Wang Xueer okay?"
LanMo words haven’t finished Long Che figure has disappeared, leaving a faint ghosting in the air.
"Come …"
He foam face a very dangerous smile looked at Long Che from the back where she didn’t speak for a long time … Face a dangerous chill.
"Come!" Na Lanmo gently called a maid to come to her and knelt down to kowtow. "Does the princess have orders?"
"Is that little bitch’s fever gone?" LanMo sound with a cold slant head coldly dangerous sweeping kneeling wench eyes very cold.
"Back to the empress has been …"
"Dagong’s high fever is still in danger … the diagnosis and treatment power of big doctors has been dragged out!" Nalanmo’s cold words came out of his mouth, and the words made people shudder, and they took away a precious and young life lightly.
The maid’s scalp is numb and her limbs feel cold. She is so cold and cruel in the face of her Lord that she disobeys her orders.
"It’s a handmaiden!"
He foam laughed coldly fundus revealed a very cruel sneer at …
Priscilla, Priscilla, no one will want you back … including your bitch, she is not necessary!
If you are interested, don’t come back and wait for your son to reunite in hell …
Otherwise, waiting for you will be painful.
When Na Lanqing received the news, she came to the designated place of the other party and looked at the person who appeared.
Is it Shang Wang?
Shang Wang sent someone to watch her but didn’t do it?
Nalanqing will be a little confused for a while. What the hell is going on here? It’s Shang Wang who catches the long line.
This is too good luck.
"What about her?"
Shang Wang’s eyes lit up when he saw Nalanqing appear. He received a letter saying that he wanted to form an alliance with him and told him a place, but he didn’t expect it to be Nalanqing.
A woman in a black robe walked beside Shang Wang and lowered her voice. "Your report, this is my sincerity. Nalanqing has been handed over to you. It depends on you whether you can kill her … By the way, you can make good use of that concubine of Che Wang. If you can make Che Wang Nalanqing break up, you still have a way out in case of failure …"
Looking at Nalanqing’s figure from a distance, Shang Wang’s eyes are full of murder.
Resisting the impulse to tear NaLanQing to pieces before rushing, he clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. "Who the hell are you? What do you want to do? "
"Report don’t have to worry about this is a trap. I have some vendetta against NaLanQing. As you can see, I’m a weak female root, not her opponent. I can think of some way to find an ally …" The woman said with a hint of pleasure. She reached out and toyed with the veil and smiled gently. "I’m an old friend of your princess. If you want to know who I am, it’s faster to ask Princess Shang directly …"
"You are in King Lee!" Shang Wang’s eyes were full of fear, but he was unprepared.
All his thoughts are in Nalan. This is a great opportunity … otherwise, the connection will not be close, let alone revenge.
"The sovereign can say that this is an alliance!" The woman walked up to the Lord Shang and leaned softly against the side of the Lord Shang. Looking at Nalanqing in the distance, she smiled gently. "My Wang family said that the Prime Minister should also hand over his weapons department. After all, you are too dangerous!"
Na Lanqing looked at the woman in front of her and didn’t know anything. She always felt as if she had heard this woman’s voice somewhere.
I took out my weapon department and threw it to the ground, then raised my hands to signal that she was unarmed … Then NaLanQing just looked at the two of them and smiled faintly. "I’m curious … If you want to catch my weakness, someone just got one without thyme … meaning?"
"Since the Prime Minister didn’t care about Thyme, would you like to come?" The woman smiled softly and sounded crisp, as if Zhuyu had fallen to the ground and sounded crisp.
"Because I’m curious, which fool can do such a thing?" Na Lanqing smiled gently and succeeded in provoking the Shang king in front of him, but Na Lanqing seemed to show a puzzled and surprised expression when he didn’t realize his provocative eyes were placed on the Shang king. "So that fool is the Shang king?"